Around four to five years ago, there was a huge change in marketing messaging from the major golf brands, with the message changing from "Buy this new driver..." to "Get custom fitted for this new driver..."
Titleist were one of the pioneers in this shift of how we go about buying new golf clubs, in the hope to give golfers an opportunity to get more out of their golf game than ever before. In the case of drivers, golfers started to gain more yardage and more consistent results very quickly. Unsurprisingly then, custom fitting became the way forward and the buzz word of the golf industry ever since.
Unless you're buying second hand, I can imagine that the majority of modern drivers sold to golfers are custom fitted to some extent. The pro's have been doing it for years and now thanks to further education from the manufacturers, amateurs are benefiting from the process too. However, not every golfer is as educated as others.
Therefore, Golfalot figured it's about time that we showed you how a proper driver fitting session really works and how you can get the most out of one. To do this we need a consistent driver of the golf ball... Step forward LET Professional Sophie Walker. We also need somebody to lend us some golf clubs... step forward, Titleist.
'Titleist Speed Project' has been very well documented over the last year since the release of the TS2 and TS3 drivers. Since then, Titleist have also released the TS1 and TS4 driver models in the summer of 2019. But the question is - which one is best for your game?
We headed down to The Range in Manchester to meet Frazer Jones from Titleist, to find out which model and specification would best meet Sophie's game, as well as talk you through the process so you know what to expect the next time you get fitted for a new big stick!
Sophie's Top Custom Fitting Tips
- Always take your current driver with you
- Know your numbers before you go. it will be helpful to have a good idea of the following: launch, spin, shot shape, swing speed. People tend to swing it faster in a fitting due to the closed environment and giddyness to hit the ball far .
- Set a price budget
- Imagine you are hitting golf shots on the course - take your time in between shots so you don’t get tired if you need to.
- Be open minded to try new things and technologies
- Trust your fitter!