When we reviewed the Swing Caddie SC100 Launch Monitor we thought it fitted the bill as an entry level, basic launch monitor that came in at a fraction of the cost of a full blown system.
With the release of the next generation Swing Caddie SC200, Voice Caddie has added some bells and whistles to the device, improving both functionality and usability.

The SC200 uses the same Doppler Radar system found in the SC100 and measures ball and club data in the form of carry distance, swing speed, ball speed and smash factor. The display has been updated to show all of these criteria at the same time instead of having to choose between ball speed and smash factor as was the case with the SC100.
The SC200 also boasts an upgrade on the SC100 with the implementation of Voice Caddie's popular voice output system, meaning the unit will audibly tell you the distance each ball has carried after the shot.
A further improvement on the SC200 is the ability for golfers to input the exact club loft angles of their set rather than the unit using the default settings for each club. The loft angles are used by the monitor to calculate the carry distance, so this will add a layer of accuracy to the information you receive on each shot.
The SC200 features the same three modes that were found on the SC100: Practice, Target or Random Mode. We thought these were good features and help to form an interesting method of practice, allowing you to add variety and structure to your sessions.

Like its predecessor the SC200 unit is very light, weighing a little over 200 grams, and compact, measuring 15cm x 7.5cm x 2.5cm, making it ideal for players looking for a device that will help them maximise the effectiveness of their practice sessions with basic swing information that enables them to compare swings and track improvement.