A lot of things have been changing in trolley land, not least of which is the trend for lithium batteries that now means most come with this source of power as standard.
Lithium batteries also mean less space and I get the feeling that compact electric trolleys are at the start of a similar takeover that may see them become the norm.

Joining the fray is the PowaKaddy Compact C2 trolley that as its names suggests folds down in a similar way to their larger trolleys using a joint on the main arm, but then tucks the front wheel in too as the video below this review shows.

The 'Simple-2-Fold' system, which I am surprised and relieved to see has not been abbreviated to S2F, enables the Compact C2 to be folded by clicking a button on the lower section, one under the handle and then a third to fold in the front wheel.

Everything just collapses into place, so no lining up brackets and clips, and after a few goes you can get the movement done in a couple of flicks.

The dimensions of the Compact C2 when it is open are about the same as a traditional PowaKaddy with the wheel out. However when it is folded it is 35cm shorter, which makes putting it in the boot of your car a much easier proposition and one of the key benefits.

The handle can be adjusted through 3 positions to suit the height of the user and whilst the folding arm should be locked straight, it is possible to have it on a slight angle to adjust the handle height further, but apparently that is not legit, so you didn't hear that from me.

All this is good news if you are 6 feet or more as when you attach an umbrella using the optional extra holder, you can walk tall(er) under it rather than stooping.
Built into the handle is a compartment for balls, tees and other small golfing debris.

Personally I would have preferred a GPS holder like that on the rival Motocaddy M1 Pro, especially as there is a USB charger on the underside of the Connect C2 handle that is a bit redundant if you haven't bought the charging cradle accessory.
The Compact C2 is controlled using a single horizontal speed dial that you push to start and stop and rotate to vary the speed.
Push and hold the dial when stationary and it will start the ADF (they couldn't resist) or Automatic Distance Function to send the trolley 15, 30 or 45 yards. You scroll through the distance options using a very small number in the bottom left of the screen that could be bigger given the visual real estate on the 5.3 x 2.5cm colour screen.

Apart from the battery charge indicator, that is your lot, which is refreshing that they resisted the urge to put too much data on screen, although a downhill control function would have really topped it all off.

Once in motion the soft touch handle has a little play in it to smooth out the bumps of a usual golf course and the Compact C2 feels lighter than average and very easy to control.

Your bag is attached by a couple of rubber bungee straps and if you have a PowaKaddy bag then the Key Lock slot in its base with lock into place on the footplate of the Compact C2 to hold even more firmly in place.

The centrally located 230W motor has plenty of power and the Quiet Mark approval from the Noise Abatement Society means that you can sneak up on playing partners more easily without them knowing. Great for match play.

It's all powered by the usual PowaKaddy battery that is light and simply clips into place with the connectors lining up in one movement so there is no need for plugging in cables.

All in all the PowaKaddy Compact C2 is a very well designed and thought out trolley. The Simple-2-Fold design makes putting the trolley up and down quick and easy whilst maintaining a visually appealing design.
If you need to create space in your life for your trolley then it's time to downsize to the Compact C2.
PowaKaddy Compact C2i Trolley Review
In 2018, PowaKaddy upgraded the C2 to the C2i and basically this is the same trolley with a better colour widescreen.

This is actually the same visible screen size as before but the layout is improved with more information. The display now has distance travelled in yards or metres for the current round or the lifetime of the trolley and you toggle between them using the grey buttons below the screen.

The battery meter is now shown in the coloured circles around the speed display in the centre and you also get the time in the top left. It's a little more sophisticated than the C2 screen and is a nice upgrade to what is already a very good trolley.