With the ban on anchoring the putter against your body finally coming into effect in 2016, those of a nervous disposition on the green will have to look to alternatives.
One of these is using counterbalanced putters with a longer shaft to move weight above the position of the hands in order to stabilise the hands and prevent them from doing a samba as you stroke the ball.
Not many of these counterbalanced putters are adjustable, but that is exactly what Nike has created with their CounterFlex grip that will be an option across their full range of putters in due course.

Coming in a 35 or 38 inch shaft, it is based around a mid sized blue grip with a flat front and dots at 1 inch intervals so you can remember where to put your hands.
The idea is not to put your hands at the top of the grip but somewhere further down, so if you are of average height or taller then go for the 38 inch version.

I like this approach as your hands naturally grip the club at a length that suits you and the consistent width of the grip all the way down gives the same feel wherever you put them.
Inside the grip is the counter weight which you unscrew using the key that also doubles as a pitch mark repairer.

When you remove it you will see a 75g weight that you can slide up and down a 15 inch pole by twisting to loosen it and then tighten it in the right position.

Nike's research says that 70% of golfers will putt better with it in the middle or bottom positions. The best way to do figure this out is trial and error to see what feels most comfortable to you.

Having added weights into the butts of putter and driver grips over the years, I like this approach. In my experience, for putters the best thing would be to try and get the vibration point of the putter under your left hand so you get the best feedback.
To do this lightly hold the grip of the club between your thumb and first finger and then tap club head on the ground to try and get it to vibrate like a tuning fork.

Move you fingers up and down the shaft and repeat this process to find the point where you get the biggest vibration. That is where your left hand should be. If it is not in the right place move the weight up and down until it is and that should be the best setting for you.
This approach is not new, but the way Nike have done it is slick, intuitive and easy for you to do yourself without having to go to a specialist putter fitter.
The thicker 100g Midsize CounterFlex grip feels very good and the alignment dots down the 38cm length were subtle and very useful.

Of all the counter balanced putters I have used so far, this grip and weight system is the best in terms of feel and flexibility.
I tried it with the S1-12 head which I liked the shape of and the alignment lines are well designed. It was very stable and once I had it set up correctly I did not feel I was using a counterweighted putter.

Unfortunately the feel from the face insert is fairly muted, especially with a soft ball and the 'tok' sound at impact is a bit on the hollow side.

Thankfully the CounterFlex grip is going to be available as an option across the full range of Nike putters, so don't be put off by the S1-12 head if you feel the same way. The other models I have seen look like they will deliver better performance to go with what is one of the best adjustable counterbalanced putter set ups on the market.