Golf insurance is often ignored by golfers as just another expense. However, golf insurance can protect your investment in golf equipment and also offer financial, legal and medical protection for you and your wallet.
Why do I need golf insurance?
How much would it cost to replace not only your golf clubs, but also your bag, trolley, clothing, balls, GPS, sunglasses, shoes and even balls. If you add it all up then it is likely you golf equipment could be worth around £1500 or more.
In addition, 1998 saw a High Court ruling resulting in golfers being ‘potentially liable for shots that cause injury’ and each year there are over 12,400 golf injuries a year that require hospital treatment. In 2007 a golfer was awarded damages of nearly £400,000 when he lost an eye after being being struck by a golf shot, even though 'Fore' had been shouted.
Golf insurance can also protect you against such legal liability as well as other benefits such as Hole-in-One bar tabs, damaged clubs, replacement golf club hire costs, membership fees, replacement trophy costs, dental and hospital coverage and much more.
Can you afford to be without it?
Will I be covered by my household insurance?
Possibly up to a certain limit and in certain circumstances. However in many cases, household insurance policies will not cover for the loss, damage or theft of your clubs outside of your home.
Another concern for many people is the thought that if their clubs were to be stolen, and covered by their household insurance, their policy cost or excess would likely increase for all future household claims.
The majority of golf equipment theft occurs when equipment is stolen from the owner's car. Household policies may not cover theft from a car, or simply offer coverage when a car is parked at your home.
Ultimately, golf-specific insurance offers coverage far beyond that of most household insurance policies and if you have equipment worth over £1000 it may be cheaper to have a specific golf insurance policy instead of adding your golf equipment as as specified item on your home insurance.
Will I have cover through my golf club?
No. Some golf clubs offer golf insurance for an extra fee on membership or green fees, some even make it mandatory, this cover is often limited to public liability on that course on that day only and does not cover equipment.
Do I have to be a member of a golf club to take out a policy?
No. Cover can be taken out direct with golf insurance providers.
Am I insured whilst playing abroad?
Depending on which policy you select, you will be covered for a specific region such as UK, Europe or Worldwide. Most companies offer various geographical coverage in their policy or include it as an add-on, at a small cost. Again, the best way to find out about travel coverage restrictions is to read the small print.
Is there anything that will not be covered on a golf insurance policy?
Typically insurance policies do not cover balls, tees and golf buggies. Electric trolleys can usually be covered. Most insurance companies offer basic policies and also policies that have options for greater amounts of cover.
If I have a claim, is it paid in full?
No. Companies will charge an excess for any claim, ranging from around £20 to £100 or more so check the policy details before you sign as it could affect your premium.
What can be covered?
Equipment Cover
The limit of a claim for the cost of accidential loss, theft, or damage to equipment typically including clubs, bags, waterproofs, shoes, and buggies.
Personal Effects
Theft or damage of your personal items from any recognised golf club, course, or driving range.
Equipment Hire
Hiring equipment if you clubs are lost, stolen or damaged.
Legal liability for damages to a third party.
Personal Accident
Accidential bodily injury to the policy holder, by golf related incident.
Temporary Disablement
Cover in the case that a golfing related accident, injury or disablement prevents you from working.
Hospital Benefit
Cover for an accident, whilst participating in golf, resulting in emergency hospitalisation exceeding 24 hours (typically paid per day, up to a limit).
Dental Cover
Fees related to injury to teeth sustained whilst playing or practicing.
Membership Fees
Reimbursement of club membership fees paid where you are unable to play or practice (typically for more than 40-60 days) as a result of an accident or illness.
Tournament Fees
Reimbursement of entry fees paid if you are unable to play in a tournament due to an accident or illness.
A customary round of drinks following a hole-in-one in a recognized competition.
Loss of Golf Trophies
Cover for any golf trophies stolen or damaged.
Standard Excess
Portion of a claim that you will be required to pay.
New For Old
Replacement equipment will be based on current equipment prices.
Worldwide Cover
Extends your coverage worldwide, covering your equipment on golfing trips abroad.
Unattended Vehicle Cover
Cover for equipment locked in a vehicle.
Compare Golf Insurance Policies
Equipment Cover |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Personal Effects |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Golf Club Hire |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Personal Accident |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Accidental Damage |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Hosptial Benefit |
Yes |
Yes |
Dental Cover |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Membership Fees |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Tournament Fees |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Hole-in-One Cover |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Loss of Trophies |
Yes |
Yes |
Discount for Juniors |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Discount for Seniors |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Family Rates |
Yes |
Yes |
Worldwide Cover |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
New for Old |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
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