What GolfBuddy are very good at is making good quality, reasonably priced and accurate GPS devices and the CT2 is the latest to fit the description.

At first glance it looks like an updated version of the talking GolfBuddy VS4, but there are a number of differences, not least of which is that it does not say anything.

The main difference is the 25mm square screen that is double the depth and fills the front of the CT2 to display the information in large bold letters.
The other big difference is that the deeper and larger case feels more robust and ready for the rough and tumble life of being attached to a golf bag.

The thick tough plastic body has a solid feel to it and even if it is 13 grams heavier, the whole thing just weighs 42 grams. It only comes in a white body with the choice of blue or green buttons, so it does stand out but a few more body colours like the VS4 would have been a nice option.
It's also the first GolfBuddy to come with an integrated clip rather than a detachable one and this is extremely solid and looks like it will also stand the test of time.

Whilst the CT2 could be classed as wearable tech for a belt, it is really designed to be on your bag strap whether you are using a carry or cart bag
Normally you would be concerned about a GPS falling off even with as strong a clip as this, but the supplied lanyard offers that back up reassurance that if the clip ever lost its grip, you won't lose your CT2.

I suppose you could also start a new trend by using the CT2 like a pocket watch and maybe that will bring golfing waistcoats back into fashion?
The GolfBuddy CT2 starts up quickly and once you have selected the GPS function it searched and found the course I was playing in around 35 seconds.

The menu is controlled via the four coloured buttons, two on each side of the device, which are pretty solid and could be more responsive as they can take a bit of pushing sometimes, but again they feel like they will last the course.

The CT2 can hold up to 40,000 golf courses and it is ready to go out of the box. There is a supplied USB cable with a special connector so you can attach the CT2 to a computer if you need to update it via the GolfBuddy website.

This also acts as the charging cable, which you will have to take with you on golf trips as it is specific to the CT2, unlike some of the other GolfBuddy devices that use more standard USB connectors. It charges in a couple of hours and on a single charge you can get at least 2 rounds so the battery life is good.
If you have used a GolfBuddy before then the menu and functions will be very familiar to you, as they are the same as most of the smaller handheld and watch devices that they have brought out recently.

The distance screen with front, middle and back measurements in yards or metres can be displayed in a couple of ways and it is good to see all three distances on the screen at the same time.
On courses where they have the data, there is also the function to view distances to hazards, but not over them. It lists them with the furthest away first, which can mean most of the first ones on the first page are usually out of range if you are teeing off on a hazard laden par 5. It would be better if they listed them the other way round or filtered them by distance so you don't have to keep scrolling down to get to the ones you might actually go in.
The Dynamic Green View shows the shape of the green with a flag that you can scroll through a variety of pre-defined pin positions. I suppose it gives some idea of distance to a given point on the green, but whether it ties up with reality is anyone's guess as it is random. If you really want to get the yardages to the flag then I would suggest using the CT2 with one of GolfBuddy's excellent lasers.

The scoring, shot measurement, distance walked and time functions are all more practical and are easily found in a relatively straightforward and intuitive menu.

GolfBuddy classify the CT2 as a micro GPS and it certainly does everything you would need in a compact, robust unit with a good sized screen and clear display of numbers.

It offers good value for money when compared to other small GPS as the course database is more comprehensive than some cheaper options. It therefore offers a good entry level device or front/back distance device to go with a laser for the total distance package.