They say "necessity is the mother of all invention". That would seem to be the case for the folks at Focal Golf and their latest gadget.
The Focal Golf Smartphone Holder is a flexible, adjustable stand that attaches to your golf bag to allow you to video your swing. Whilst some golfers would perhaps prefer not to see their swing, more and more people are using the camera and video feature on their phones to help improve their games.

The Focal holder is remarkably simple. Contained within the box are two pieces: the catapult-looking holder and the bag clip. Put both together and you have all you need to take your very own golf-swing-selfie.
If you are anything like me, your smartphone is your prized possession, worthy of the highest levels of safety and protection. That is why Focal Golf have made the bracket from a soft, flexible rubber material that won't scratch or damage your phone. Within the bracket are fins on each size that ensure any smartphone, even with a case, will fit the holder.

One of the biggest difficulties in recording your swing is finding a spot to rest your camera. Without a friend to assist, it is often a case of balancing your phone on the ground, atop your bag or at the back of a driving range bay.
Once clipped onto your bag, the Focal holder can be easily adjusted to ensure you have what you need in-shot. The good thing about the pivoting holder is it can used on just about any golf bag, whether you have a staff or cart bag that sits upright or a stand bag that sits at angle.
Once in position, around six to ten feet behind where your hitting, you are ready to go.
I found it best to use the front-facing camera on my iPhone to allow me to see what exactly I was capturing and thus making sure I wasn't recording just my upper half.

Whether you have a swing app on your phone or just fancy recording it using the video camera feature, it doesn't really matter. With the Focal Golf Smartphone Holder I was able to record several swings during a couple of my range sessions and then review them afterwards.
I would have liked to see the holder fold up a little smaller for storing in my golf bag after use, but it isn't something you need to carry with you at all times in your golf bag unless you are planning to video yourself in action on the course too.
Overall, the holder is a useful gadget. If you are a golfer that likes to see their swing, it is probably worth the £25 and will really help out on your range and practice sessions.